Tuesday, 11 December 2018


2nd year Batxiller students have been to Berlin.
We visited Germany capital city from the 2nd to the 5th of December.
We went to Meininger hostel which was conveniently situated and gave us a good service. We recommend it!
We had the opportunity to visit Berlin's main highlights: Reichstag, Neues museum and Pergamonmuseum, the Wall remainings, the topography of terror museum, mahmal, Sachsenhausen Concentration camp.
It was a great experience!
We were specially shocked by the guided visit to the concentration camp.
And of course we loved Berlin's art masterpieces.

Some pictures

Here we have more pictures:
Picture Gallery

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Germans in Donostia

School Exchange

We had our German partners in San Sebastian for a week!
It was a great opportunity to show them around. We had a beautiful weather and we presume they enyojed it as much as we did.
This was our plan: Our program in San Sebastian

See you soon!
School page link
 and another link

Thursday, 11 February 2016


DONOSTIA-PONTEDERA Urtarrilaren 22tik-29era 2016
Pontederako Liceo Montale ikastetxearekin ikasle elkartruke bat egin dugu. Gure ikasleak hango ikasleen familietan bizi izango dira astebetez, eskola ordutan ingurua ezagutuz. 
Helburua Italiako kultura ezagutzea, familien arteko harremana sustatzea eta elkarbizitzarako jarrerak bultzatzea.
Hona hemen programa:
22 Ostirala: Arratsaldean irteera Donostitik autobusean.
23 Larunbata: Goizean, Cannes bisitatuko dugu
Arratsalderako Italiako partedeideen etxeetara iritsiko gara.
24 Igandea: Familiekin eguna
25 Astelehena: Goizean ikastetxean harrera.
Arratsaldean oso hurbil dagoen Pisako dorrea bisitatzera.
26 Asteartea: Goizean San Gimignianoko dorre famatuak dira helburu 
Arratsaldean Luccako alde zaharrabisitatzea
27, Asteazkena: Florentzia, errenazimenduko hiriburua bisitatzera goaz.
Ezin ekiditu bere museoak: “L'Academia” eta “Galleria degli Uffizi”
28, Osteguna: Sienako alde zaharra bisitatzea:
Il Duomo”, Piccolomini liburutegia eta “La piazza del Campo”
29, Ostirala: Familiaren Agurra eta bueltako bidaia hasiko dugu.
Egun berean gaueko 23:00ren bueltan heldu giñen Donostiara
Pontedera 2016 on PhotoPeach

Pontedera 2016 on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Luberri à Châteaudun

Nous avons fait un échange d'étudiant avec un lycée français, le lycée Emile Zola à Chateaudun.

Acompagnateurs: Idoia Solores et Yan Gobet


Monday, 8 April 2013

Luberri Loves Ireland

We love this opportunity  to do an exchange with our partner school Wilson's from Multyfarham. We had been doing it for the last four years and every year we had the opportunity to enjoy the hospitality of our Irish friends.

We are very happy to keep the contact with this school, where our students not only can learn about a different European culture and meet new people, but also can improve their language skills.

Responsables: Eva Insausti and Xabier Alberdi

Here is a Blog about our trip: 


Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Forza Italia

Aurtongo lehenengo trukaketa Luberrin.
Elkartrukaketa Luccako instituto batekin.
4.DBHko ikasleekin astebeterako Italiara.
Arduradunak: Idoia Azanza eta Xabier Baztarrika.

Hemen dago egindakoaren bloga:
